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‘Most Photographed’ Wall Street Trader Peter Tuchman Tests Positive For Coronavirus

© REUTERS / Bryan SmithTrader Peter Tuchman works at the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) in New York, U.S., January 2, 2020.
Trader Peter Tuchman works at the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) in New York, U.S., January 2, 2020. - Sputnik International
As of Thursday, the ongoing coronavirus pandemic has resulted in the infection of over 460,000 people along with 20,000 dead, as it continues spreading rapidly across the world, including in the United States.

Peter Tuchman, dubbed the “most photographed trader on Wall Street”, tested positive for coronavirus disease (COVID-19). The celebrated New York Stock Exchange trader announced his diagnosis in a post on Instagram on Thursday.

The businessman, who refers to himself as the “Einstein of Wall Street” asked his 10k Instagram followers to pray for him, as he has “never felt so sick in [his] life”.

“Hi guys I just thought I’d let you know that I did test positive for corona. I am battling it pretty hard never felt so sick in my life…,” Tuchman said in the post. “Great team of doctors no breathing problems that’s a good thing all the other problems that’s a bad thing will get to the other side of this I’ll be in touch … soon … send prayers”.

On Thursday, at least two Wall Street floor traders tested positive for the virus, despite strict measures taken by the exchange to prevent infected people from entering the facility while its doors remained open last week, according to Reuters.

The US has now surpassed most other affected countries to become the third-largest coronavirus hotbed outside of China and Italy, with some 63,570 infections and at least 884 deaths, according to the World Health Organization (WHO).

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