Moscow, Belgrade Considering Opening Helicopter Service Center in Serbia

Russian Deputy Prime Minister said that Moscow and Belgrade are currently exploring the possibility of creating a service center for Russian and Soviet-made helicopters in Serbia.

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Serbia Shows Interest in Russia's Thermal Weapon Sights
BELGRADE (Sputnik) Moscow and Belgrade are currently exploring the possibility of creating a service center for Russian and Soviet-made helicopters in Serbia, Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin said Monday.

"We could establish this center especially in Serbia, and not in those countries that support sanctions against Russia," the official said.

Rogozin noted that the Russian experts were currently exploring the possibility of the Serbian industry participating in the project.

Serbia continues to purchase helicopters from Russia, having bought two Mil Mi-17 (NATO reporting name "Hip") transport helicopters in September.

Despite being a candidate for membership of the European Union, Serbia has declined to join the sanctions against Russia which the West imposed over Moscow's alleged role in the Ukrainian crisis.

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