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Biden’s Great-Great-Grandfather Reportedly Pardoned by Abraham Lincoln for Violent Crimes

© AFP 2023 / MANDEL NGANUS President Joe Biden speaks in the State Dining Room of the White House on February 6, 2024 in Washington, DC. Biden urged Congress to pass the Emergency National Security Supplemental Appropriations Act
US President Joe Biden speaks in the State Dining Room of the White House on February 6, 2024 in Washington, DC. Biden urged Congress to pass the Emergency National Security Supplemental Appropriations Act - Sputnik International, 1920, 25.02.2024
In an opinion piece published on Saturday, Turley draws comparisons of criminal behavior between the current US president and that of his Civil War forefather.
According to a recent report, US President Joe Biden’s family history of crime can be traced back to the US Civil War. Court-martial records that were discovered at the National Archives in Washington reportedly show the violent crimes of Moses J. Robinette—the US president’s great-great-grandfather. According to the documents, Robinette was charged with attempted murder after a fight with a fellow Union Army civilian employee—John J. Alexander—on the night of March 21, 1864.
The incident happened in the small corner of the Army of the Potomac’s winter camp along the Rappahannock River near Beverly Ford, Virginia. In one of the mess tents at this camp, Alexander heard Robinette speaking ill of him to a female cook, and confronted him. A brawl broke out, and Robinette left Alexander bleeding from multiple cuts after he pulled a knife.
Following the brawl, the charges said that Robinette had become intoxicated and incited
“a dangerous quarrel”, while violating good order and military discipline. He was found guilty on all counts with the exception of “attempt to kill”, and was punished with two years’ incarceration at hard labor. When he arrived at the Dry Tortugas islands near Key West, Florida where he would be incarcerated.
When he arrived, however, three Army officers who were personally acquainted with him had petitioned US President Abraham Lincoln to overturn his conviction. They wrote that his sentence was unduly harsh for “defending himself and cutting with a Penknife a Teamster much his superior in strength and Size, all under the impulse of the excitement of the moment.”
They also asked that Lincoln think of Robinette’s “motherless Daughters and sons at home!... [Praying for] your interposition on behalf of the unfortunate Father…and distressed family of loved Children, Union Daughters and Union Sons.” Lincoln then pardoned Robinette on September 1, 1864.
Robinette was a government contractor who was paid to give veterinary care for Union army horses. At the age of 42, Robinette was described as “full of fun, always lively and joking”, a description that Jonathan Turley, an American attorney and political commentator, has compared to the current sitting president in an opinion piece published on Saturday.
US President Joe Biden - Sputnik International, 1920, 10.02.2024
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But the comparisons between the current US president and that of his great-great-grandfather appear to extend beyond their similar temperaments. In his opinion piece, Turley notes the weight that this story gives to the quote, “No one f**** with a Biden,” that the president himself so bluntly stated.

“Sixty years later, Moses’s great-great-grandson was found by a special counsel to have willfully retained classified material, mishandled that material for decades, and to have probably shown the classified material to a ghostwriter who lacked clearance,” Turley writes of the current US president. “He was spared any criminal charge in part because he would make a sympathetic defendant due to his diminished mental faculties.

In addition, political allies of Biden are also quick to denounce those who wish to investigate the president as “traitors” or sympathizers of Russian President Vladimir Putin.
A Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) informant—Alexander Smirnov—was recently indicted over false claims he had made about the US president.
As a result, Representative Dan Goldman (D-NY) made the statement that anyone who looks further into the corruption scandal is a “knowing asset of Russian intelligence” and is “acting as an agent of Vladimir Putin”. And former Democratic Senator Clair McCaskill had made a similar viewpoint by demanding that the media stop further fact checks on Biden on “any subject”, Turley claims, adding that she has called those who criticized the US president and his family as “Putin lovers.”
“The charges against Alexander Smirnov have no bearing on dozens of allegedly corrupt payments and hundreds of emails that are being investigated by Congress,” writes Turley. “Try to ask the Bidens about the millions they have pocketed from foreign sources, and you are some kind of Russian dupe.”
President Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden leave Holy Spirit Catholic Church in Johns Island, S.C., after attending a Mass, Saturday, Aug. 13, 2022. - Sputnik International, 1920, 23.02.2024
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